As a subsidiary of Deutsche Post AG, DHL Paket GmbH in Bonn acts as the main carrier for German business customer's parcel transport. The umbrella company Deutsche Post DHL Group is the world leader in logistics, parcel delivery and letter communication.

We at DHL Paket have trusted Netresearch as a long-standing premium development partner for all matters related to Magento for over 10 years and are constantly working on keeping our joint integration solution up-to-date, maintained and improved. Netresearch has also been providing professional technical DHL customer support for Magento users for many years.
DHL Paket Partner Management

The plan
In Germany, numerous retailers rely on the shop software platform Magento from Adobe.
Netresearch has been working together with Deutsche Post & DHL since 2010 to offer business customers simple, flexible, and intuitive access to the latest DHL shipping products and services from the Magento shop system.
As the technical integration partner for the extensions, Netresearch also provides user support for customers on behalf of DHL.


DHL Paket offers a constantly growing portfolio of shipping products, as well as services for recipients and retailers, which are to be implemented into the extensions. DHL's various APIs are also regularly updated and thus give access to new and additional solution options.
Compatibility with current Magento versions and the associated requirements for the technology stack and other extensions used by the retailer must be guaranteed as well.
The current generation Magento 2 shipping solution follows a modern, highly modular, multi-library approach. In this technical structure, the extension was already released as version 1.0.0 in April 2020. Since then, Netresearch has regularly updated it in several versions. More detailed information can be found in our blog posts.

Key features
Manage your shipments with DHL Paket directly in the Magento admin panel | ||
Offer more flexibility to your customers with the services of DHL Preferred Delivery | ||
API expansion – optionally transmit your orders and shipment information to third-party systems ( e.g. ERP) |
Book optional merchant services to optimize shipments and reduce risks | ||
Create and print shipping labels | ||
Automated batch processing for efficient processing of large shipment volumes |
Send national and international shipments | ||
Clear overview for you and your customers thanks to integrated tracking | ||
Manage your customer's returns |
The extension Deutsche Post & DHL Shipping for Magento 2 is the most frequently used professional shipping solution for national and international shipments with DHL Paket. A similar DHL shipping solution with a basic range of functions is available in the Netresearch GitHub for online retailers running their shop with Magento 1.
In order to be able to use these flexible solutions for daily parcel shipping of your e-commerce business from Magento, you need a business customer contract with DHL Paket.

Deutsche Post & DHL Shipping
available for Magento 1 and 2
Extension for Magento 1
Extension für Magento 2
Optional add-on
- Interactive Batch Processing for Magento 2 extension
The shipping solutions supports
Integrated shipping products
DHL Paket (V01)
DHL Paket intl. (V53)
Warenpost (V62)
Warenpost intl. (V66)
DHL enclosed return slip (V07)
DHL online returns national
DHL mobile returns national
DHL enclosed return slip intl. (V53)
DHL online returns intl.
Book and merchandise shipment
Integrated receiver services
Delivery location
Parcel announcement
Preferred delivery day
Packstation (parcel locker)
Post office delivery
Paketshop delivery
Neighbor delivery
Integrated product services
Personal delivery
No neighbor delivery
Age verification
Receiver signature
GoGreen * via Business Customer Portal
Advance directive
PDDP - Postal Deliverd Duty Paid
CDP - Closest Drop Point
Cash on delivery national
Transport insurance national
Transport insurance intl.
Bulky goods national
Bulky goods intl.
Premium merchandise shipment
Premium international
Post office routing merch. shipment
Post office routing intl.
Integrated features
Create shipping labels
Multiple labels per order
Create return labels
Tracking information for shipments
Export to third-party systems
Multiple services per label
Print only if codable (Leitkodierung)
Multi-tenancy per weebsite
Multi-office shipments
Label cancellation
Semi-automatic batch processing
Autom. label creation via cron
Individua presets for parcel parameters
Optionally pass on service costs
Integrated APIs
Business Customer Shipping
Location Finder
Shipment Tracking
Parcel Routing
Deutsche Post Internetmarke

Luca Becker
Your expert for OroCommerce & B2B commerce
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