Support for the cruise industry: Submit PCR tests digitally using TYPO3

Corona has hit the cruise industry especially hard. Almost all ships worldwide had to stay in the ports and tourism came to a complete standstill. Even now - more than half a year after the start of the pandemic - Corona is keeping the world in suspense. Every effort is being made to find ways to stop the virus and at the same time maintain as much normality as possible.
Netresearch supports the cruise industry
One big step towards waking up the sleeping cruise giants are mandatory PCR tests for passengers before boarding. Netresearch was able to support a large German cruise company.
To keep the effort for transmitting and checking the tests as low as possible for both passengers and employees, a special form for submitting PCR test results has been integrated into the existing TYPO3 website. In a first step, the documents are uploaded securely via HTTPS and stored encrypted in an AWS S3 bucket. This ensures access is only possible for authorized employees.
Only after the PCR tests have passed the currently manual verification by trained employees, passengers are allowed to board the ship. Work is currently underway to automatically perform the authenticity check and evaluation of the PCR test results for thousands of test certificates, thereby relieving the boarding procedure.