Review of 2021: great projects, new customers & amazing team events
A business year often goes by faster than expected. What has happened during the year is often only realized shortly before the Christmas vacation. Exciting projects have started, new customers have been found and great team events has taken place. We use the time to remember why we had a great year. This is not just about business events. We also give an insight into internal company highlights and moments outside of daily life in the office.

The year has already started very excitingly for us: At the very beginning we took over the support of futureSAX. The main focus here was the complex TYPO3 CMS and CRM system. As an expert in this field, we are the competent partner for futureSAX.
Particularly noteworthy is the collaboration with PrintPlanet. We were able to win this customer in May. The company decided on the B2B commerce software OroCommerce. With this, PrintPlanet replaces its own software solution and relies on a tool that is flexible and functional.

The cooperation with PrintPlanet is going well! OroCommerce: A very powerful system with great potential, which you have to penetrate fully in order to be able to use it purposefully in a project. We are very confident that this will succeed for PrintPlanet and their specific business.
Tobias Kämpfe
Head of Unit E-Commerce
Autumn was marked by two big news: TYPO3 v11 LTS was released and OroCommerce for B2B marketplaces was launched. We took the new TYPO3 version as an opportunity to offer a free whitepaper. This presents the new features in a compact and understandable way for editors and backend users.
With version 11, TYPO3 manages to meet the zeitgeist again. In particular, the work for editors has been made much easier in many places and has been supplemented with lots of new functions.
Thomas Schöne
Senior PHP developer

With OroCommerce für B2B-Marktplätze, our partner Oro has released a solution to make B2B marketplaces simple and multifunctional. Not only the operators benefit from this, but also sellers and buyers.
Our highs and lows: Barcamp, error culture & team duel
Our virtual Barcamp “Digital Transformation” took place successfully in March. The varied slots and topics were particularly exciting. First impulses were about the topics digital business leadership, digital solutions for trade fairs, digitization in companies, and digital customer relationships. In the four themed rooms New World of Work, Digital Sales & Marketing, New Thinking and Agile Methods, there was a lively exchange afterwards. All in all, it was a very successful event.
But not everything goes smoothly all the time. Mistakes can always happen. This is exactly why we live an open error culture, because a failure can also bring something good with it.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Errors can creep in quickly when new programs or structures are introduced. At Netresearch we deal openly with mistakes and have the courage to admit them. This is not the case with every company.
Katarina Riedel
Teamlead Marketing

While we're on the subject of culture: let's take a look at team building. What others use as decorative phrase, we take literally because we are aware of how important a strong team is for the success of projects and the company as a whole. However, due to the current pandemic, it can be a challenge to keep the team together. That is why we value regular team events - whether virtual or (if possible) in real life. Our last event was a Team duel. Two teams played against each other in 13 games. From mini table tennis to celebrity votes and mental arithmetic, there was something for everyone. In the end there were no real losers, the fun factor was too high for that. And everyone was able to get to know each other from a different perspective.

Sie möchten noch mehr von uns erfahren? Dann entdecken Sie unsere neuesten TYPO3-Angebote:
Basis-Check: Wöchentlicher und kostenloser Report Ihrer TYPO3-Website für mehr Sicherheit und Performance-Stabilität
Whitepaper: Kostenloses Whitepaper zu TYPO3 v11 für Redakteure & Backend-User
Upgrade-Check: Kostenfreie Analyse Ihrer TYPO3-Website mit Handlungsempfehlungen
The team's favourites: A look behind the scenes
Corona has shown that remote work and the home office are almost indispensable in many professions. But what if the working conditions at home are not ideal? Our senior software developer André solved this challenge with an inexpensive, height-adjustable table. For an employee, it is not only the work situation that is decisive, but also the direct cooperation with teammates. But here too André has a solution. With git handover or Code With Me, people can work together on code - regardless of how many kilometers are between them.
On other occasions, the distance between colleagues was a little smaller, which led to some amusing snapshots from our last summer party.

My favourite moment was reactivating the foosball table during the summer party, with Sebastian and Tobias finally lying under the table.
Annett Klötzing
HR Manager
Our developers are also united by their love for code. For this purpose, an internal Coding Battle took place this year. People met in a virtual meeting and everyone solved a predefined task in 20 minutes. In addition to a winner, there was also a price for the most creative approach. This wasn't just about competition. The focus was especially on exchanging knowledge between people.
Outlook into 2022: New team member and new directions
We are realigning ourselves with our partnership with Oro. For this, a new colleague has been accompanying us for some time. As Head of Solutions, Holger supports us with his many years of experience in B2B e-commerce. He is particularly enthusiastic about the idea of writing a piece of company history.
I like to develop solutions that make work processes smarter and more efficient. I like venturing into new areas and making new technologies usable for people in the process. That is why I am just as attracted to the enable & connect mission as I am to the prospect of being able to develop solutions with OroCommerce.
Holger Tautz
Head of Solutions