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Netresearch customer Universal Music Group nominated for Magento Excellence Award

We are proud to report that one of our customers, Universal Music Group (UMG), has been nominated for the “2018 Magento Imagine Excellence Award” in the category “Best-In-Class Fulfillment”. The implementation of the project was coordinated by 47B (USA). Through their professional project management and the cooperation of Netresearch with Wagento and Redbox Digital (UK) we could create a first-class solution for UMG. The nomination demonstrates the excellent result and shows once more how strong the Magento community is and what we can achieve in the community.

Netresearch’s contribution for Universal Music Group

The Universal Music Group has a market share of 32.8 % (2016) of the global music market, the biggest of the “Major-Labels”. UMG represents artists such as ABBA, The Beatles, Rammstein, Slipknot and Selena Gomez.

UMG was searching for Magento experts to develop a solution to centrally create and manage merchandising shops for their artists. Our task was to design a deployment process that is as simple and quick as possible. This was an ideal use case for the blugento shop factory. Originally blugento addressed small and medium sized merchants that could get Magento shops with blugento in a fast and easy way. The central management of the individual instances in the Amazon Cloud (AWS) have remained unchanged for the use case of UMG. For UMG we have completely revised the Super Admin - the central management surface - that offers a high potential of expansion with its modular structure. With the Super Admin UMG can create new shops with the click of a mouse in a few minutes and centrally manage them. The Magento Enterprise shops get delivered with a ready-to-use template which can be individualized without any programming skills via the Magento module “blugento design customiser” developed by Netresearch.

Bob Schwartz, former president of Magento and CEO and founder of 47B, said about our contribution to the UMG project: “Netresearch is key and has always been key to this solution, including in the fulfillment build and integration into Magento Commerce Order Management.”

Meet Netresearch at Magento Imagine 2018

From April 23rd - April 25th 2018 we will be a sponsor at the Magento Imagine in Las Vegas and will be able to see the award ceremony live. If you have any questions regarding the UMG project we are looking forward to your visit on our booth #48.

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