Greatly anticipated: Helhum TYPO3 Console for TYPO3 10

You don't know what you've got till it's gone - this is particularly true in software development. Sometimes you have become so used to helpful tools that you are quite surprised when they are no longer available and you have to take care of the things which those tools previously did for you inconspicuously but reliably. This is currently the case with the Helhum TYPO3 Console by Helmut Hummel. It has proven its usefulness in previous TYPO3 projects, but there is no stable version for TYPO3 10 yet.
What has the Helhum TYPO3 Console done in the past?
We noticed the lack of the Helhum TYPO3 Console when creating a TYPO3 v10 base image with the Official Introduction Package, which is based on the Bootstrap Package. The image forms the basis for new projects and will include all configurations and structures necessary for the operation of TYPO3 10, so that manual setup using the Install Tool is no longer necessary and more time can be used for customizing the TYPO3 system.
The previous way to do this automatically was via the TYPO3 Console Helhum. In particular, the tool provides two commands that you don't want to miss once you have gotten used to them, and that have been used in previous Netresearch projects:
- install:fixfolderstructure creates the structure of files and folders that are required for TYPO3 operation. In the case of a manual installation of TYPO3, this step is carried out by the Install Tool and must be triggered by appropriate scripts for a fully automated configuration via Composer. If this step is omitted, folders like typo3temp and fileadmin will be missing. When you call the frontend or backend, you will be redirected to the Install Tool, where you have to fix the problem manually using the fixing-function in the backend under the menu item Directory Status.
- install:generatepackagestates activates all necessary extensions, which otherwise has to be done manually in the backend under the menu item Extensions. Particularly helpful with this command: when installing via Composer, all dependencies are recognized and activated by default.
First test version for TYPO3 10 available
A new version of the console, which is compatible with TYPO3 10, is being created. In the meantime, Helmut Hummel has published an experimental version that is not yet listed on Packagist.
In order not to take any risks with our new base image for our customers, the configurations and structures, which the commands install:fixfolderstructure and install:generatepackagestates otherwise take care of, were created manually. We are all the more eager to see the new release of Helmut Hummel's TYPO3 Console and hope it finds its way into the TYPO3 Core soon.