Finally here: The TYPO3 v10 LTS

It's finally here! The new TYPO3 v10 LTS. We followed the various sprint releases of the new version and enthusiastically tested the new functions and improvements. A first customer project has already been launched by us using version 10. The development of TYPO3 v10 took 1.5 years. The main goals were to improve the setup of TYPO3 pages and template handling and to introduce other innovations. And it worked!
Development in community-driven initiatives
The implementation of the innovations was not only done by the core developers, but also by new initiatives - small developer groups, each dedicated to a specific topic. Benni Mack, core developer of TYPO3, particularly highlighted the idea of initiatives: “Initiatives are the place where new concepts are evaluated, discussed and developed outside of the fixed roadmap for the TYPO3 core.” This new approach to developing and involving the open-source community has paid off. The new TYPO3 v10 convinces with better security, stable performance and improved handling.
Advantages and improvements in TYPO3 v10 LTS
+ Fast, stable and powerful
The new TYPO3 version delights website operators and visitors with its speed and stability. The increased performance improves customer satisfaction, SEO ranking and, of course, ultimately the sales figures.
+ More secure
The entire system has been cleaned up and brought up to date with the latest technology. This minimizes the risk of hacker attacks, outages or data theft. TYPO3 v10 also complies with the extensive requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

"After a lot of cleanup work, the new version 10 has brought TYPO3 up to date, not only visually but also technologically."
Thomas Schöne
TYPO3 developer at Netresearch
+ Improved handling
Numerous new features and improvements in the backend make working with TYPO3 easier. Optimized file uploads, automatic forwarding, the optimized backend user administration and many other improvements save time and increase efficiency.

"In addition to the new backend dashboard, I am particularly pleased with the new features for backend users, e.g. the forgot-password function and the adaptation to the Forms extension which makes the adaptation of forms easier and clearer. I think this allows TYPO3 to show more strengths."
Axel Seemann
TYPO3 developer at Netresearch
+ New features & tools
Numerous new features and tools like the TYPO3 Dashboard are not only great for developers but also for editors who work with TYPO3 every day.

"I'm fascinated by the new TYPO3 Dashboard. This not only gives you a quick, graphical overview of information relevant to the content, but you can also quickly visualize your own project data."
Sebastian Koschel
Frontend developer / TYPO3 integrator at Netresearch
Support and maintenance until 2026
As usual, the new LTS major version of TYPO3 will be supported for six years. The support is provided free of charge by the TYPO3 community for the first three years. Afterwards, the support can be extended for a fee if required. Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) will then be available until the end of April 2026.
Start into the future with TYPO3 v10 now
Would you like to take the opportunity to build your global website, a unique B2B portal or a new information and communication platform for your company with the new TYPO3 v10? We are at your side for your questions and project ideas.