For some time Netresearch has used blugento software for very demanding e-commerce projects. Now we have utilized the blugento shop factory on an extraordinarily large scale for a shop owner in the US who does not want to be mentioned at the moment.
[UPDATE] The cooperation with the customer is official now. It concerns the leading music company, the Universal Music Group.
Customer Requirements
Our customer had hundreds of existing online-shops managed by numerous worldwide branches and departments, all based on various shop systems. Their problem was not only the different quality and maintainability of the systems but also the lack of overview of the existing shops, systems, revenue and responsibilities. So, at the beginning of 2017 we were commissioned to tackle the fragmented ecosystem and replace it with a uniform shop system with a centralised management area and a professional deployment line.
The main requirement of the project was to create hundreds of Magento shops within the shortest time possible, that could all be managed centrally and designed individually without technical know-how. Additionally the shops should receive continuous updates and run safely. The perfect use case for the blugento shop factory including the blugento design customiser!
With the shop factory you can create and manage any number of Magento shops. Furthermore, every shop is an independant and single shop. So it is possible to manage separate Magento Enterprise or Magento Community shops from the one place. Additionally single shops can differ in their scope of functions.
In doing so, the blugento shop factory connects the advantages and flexibility of using the open source shop solution from Magento with the advantages of a scalable cloud solution like Shopify or Demandware.
Feedback about the module blugento design customiser
The blugento design customiser is a module of every Magento shop we deliver and allows countless individual color and layout adaptations for Magento shops with the click of a mouse.
At the beginning of February, one of our employees took a trip to the customers office in the US to present the design customiser to some shop managers and to train them to work with it. The twelve workshop attendees had no experience with Magento, but they knew other shopsystems like Shopify and how to work with HTML and CSS.
At the end of the weeks training everybody was convinced by the potential of the blugento design customiser. They were especially impressed by the extreme time savings made by creating individual designs compared to their previous methods of designing and deploying stores. Following training users needed on average four hours for a completely to design a completely new shop template. In comparison: before it took two to three weeks to create a new Magento template by a partner.
In the training we received valuable feedback for the optimisation of the design customiser to make it even more intuitive and user friendly.
800 online shops till the end of 2019
To date our customer has created and launched nearly 100 online shops across the world with the blugento shop factory. Initially we created the shops on our own to finalize the setup of the deployment process and to demonstrate the possibilities of the design customiser, but now the customer is launching stores on their own at a rapid rate.
We are continuing to work together with the customer and to enhance the design customiser and its functional expansion. Furthermore, we provide 24/7 support for the shops, our customer and their partners create dependently.
By the end of 2018 400 new online shops will be online, and by 2019 our customer will have 800 shops should go live. An exciting time lies ahead of us!
More on the blugento shop factory
You would like to know more about the blugento shop factory and its features? We have gathered useful information including a video tutorial for you.
more information about blugento shop factory
Update: we won the Magento Imagine Excellence Award for this project